WHAT HAS TWO HEADS Sci-Fi Horror Anthology Authors (Part 4)

sci-fi horror anthology

In anticipation of the release of Dark Park Publishing’s Sci-Fi Horror anthology WHAT HAS TWO HEADS, TEN EYES, AND TERRIFYING TABLE MANNERS?, I proudly present the last of the authors featured in the book:

EVAN PURCELL (author of “Microwave Technology”) is an American working and living in rural China, a land of ancient traditions, friendly people, and absolutely no cheese within a hundred mile radius. Except for that last part, he loves living there. By day, he teaches high school English and volunteers in the surrounding villages. By night, he sings bad karaoke. He also writes a lot of stories—a slightly nobler pastime than singing “Sweet Caroline” with a bunch of inebriated Chinese people—which have appeared in Cracked.com, Niteblade Magazine, and Prizm Books. Despite all that, he’s a normal guy, not nearly as weird as his short stories would imply. In fact, if you see him walking down the street, feel free to stop and say hello. And if you offer him some nice American cheese, he will be forever in your debt.

LIZZ-AYN SHAARAWI (author of “An Amuse Bouche”) is a Texan lost in the Oregon wilderness. She’s a horror screenwriter and author whose short stories have been featured in numerous anthologies, including In the Bloodstream, Ain’t No Sanity Claus, and Fortunes: Lost and Found. Her screenplays have been recognized by The Austin Film Festival, The Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting, and The Page Awards. She enjoys cheap thrills, expensive shoes, and things that go bump in the night.

PAUL STARKEY (author of “The Silence of Hestia”) lives in Nottingham, England, but would like to make it clear that he has no information pertaining to the whereabouts of Robin Hood, and is assuredly NOT a Merry Man. He has been writing for many years and has been published on both sides of the Atlantic, most notably by the British Fantasy Society. He’s written four novels, the first of which, City of Caves, he self-published, and is currently at work on his fifth. He’s also published an ebook of short stories, The Devils of Amber Street. He regularly blogs about writing and reviews films. His preferred genres are science fiction, horror, fantasy, and crime, and he especially likes to mix genres. Occasionally some romance may sneak into his work, but he’s yet to write anything where something odd didn’t happen or someone wasn’t horribly killed.

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